Some advertising sites on the Internet do not allow home business online opportunity affilate advertising and you will find your adverts are removed. there are two ways around one quick an easy fix is domain name masking.
For example lets say you are an affiliate of a a home business online opportuinity company called matchmaker and wish to promote your affilate site in Malaysia. You purchase a domain name containing the words you want to identify your site with you then mask or forward the site to
All your home business online opportunity advertising will specify your URL matchmakermalaysia. you can also promote this new URL in a regional search engine using keywords matchmaker and Malaysia. You could can also use this technique to shorten a long URL using some real words rather than using
Many people use pay per click to advertise affilate sites, which is a waste of money when you can build an entry or capture page which will get you to the first page of Google. You have a choice of using a website, blog or even a free page provided you have access to the metatags for keywords and description. if you are short of money you can get a free page and your URL would look something like
Now that you have a page or site for your home business online opportunity you can start to configure the page with keywords and description that both describe Matchmaker and targeting the keywords that you expect your future customers to enter in search engines. you will also provide links into your affilate site.
Once your page is created submit it to Google and then work on building backlinks containing you keywords from other sites.
David Ogden Internet Marketing Mentor
Kota Kinabalu
Friday, October 19, 2007
Marketing A Home Business Online Opportunity Affliate Site
Posted by
David Ogden
Labels: David Ogden, David Ogden Internet marketing mentor, kota kinabalu, malaysia, work at home business online opportunity|veretekk marketingsystem|David Ogden