Monday, July 27, 2009

How To Retire In Ten Years

Retire in ten years, is an option when you run an online business. but there is a secret.

You must understand that building a business takes time and effort and there is no quick fix, there will be set backs, but if you are consist ant in what you do you will success. Many people lose their dream within six months, I know for a fact that it takes around 3 years before your monthly income becomes an appreciable amount, and sometimes you may be tempted to stop. This is the time when you need to redouble your effort.

Let’s face it, if you put off talking to everyone you know because you might be afraid of what they might think of you and your business, then you can never expect to achieve the level of success that others have when they have talked to everyone they know. The contact list is the life blood of any Network business, and to be hesitant to work through the list is a good way to lose any momentum and a reason to just quit like so many have in the past.

How do you get past this problem, start your home business, and retire in ten years?

With the Internet, e-mail, and software available, today is a new day in network marketing. No more bothering friends and family and trying to convince people against their will to join your business. You now have the ability to post your business out there in cyber space and find that there are people who actually want to join your business. This may be just the answer for you to revive your business and get you over the hurdle that’s been keeping you from earning the income available in your home based business. But how do you get started?

The key to success that will allow you to retire in ten years, is getting customers for your business and to be honest its a problem for many home business owners, who spend many hours cultivating business leads and often give up. There is however an answer and that is to buy customers, that way you can save all the cost time and hassle in marketing your product and build a good customer base.

Now not many people know this secret that will allow you to retire in ten years, but there is a direct selling company in the USA that will sell their customers to you, and what is more on top of earning ongoing commissions they will continue to market to your customers.

Does this sound to good to be true?, well it gets better you can join in with a group of fellow entrepreneurs who will work with you to grow your business.

David Ogden - Tomorrows Home Business - Retire in Ten Years
Contact Us
TriVita Business Affiliate 13142173
phone 1-386-308-1956
Skype seadogs11
Earn money with AlertPay
Click Here to Learn how to market online

Monday, July 6, 2009

Did you send out a real card on 4th July


The 4th of July is one of the biggest days of the year for many Americans, a  public holiday in the summer , where friends can gather and party around a BBQ or pool or attend Public firework displays.

For some people away from home sending e-cards to friends and family might  have seemed a good idea, however it is amazing how often cards fail to arrive in a persons inbox due to spam filters and the like.

So why do people send e-cards, well its quick and easy to send and is often free, however  when a person receives an e-card it may bring a smile to their face, however it does not have value, the card cannot be displayed so that friends and neighbours can share in the thoughts of the sender.

There is a solution by provided by Sendout Cards, which provides the best of both worlds, the card can be made on any computer attached to the internet (over 12,000 designs) and can even use your own handwriting  and photos. The premium card will then be printed and sent out by US Postal Service for about $1 including postage.

Now if you cannot afford to spend even $1, on a card, shame on you, you see sending a real card means you care, you have taken some time and effort to brighten up some one’s day.

David Ogden- Helping People Help Themselves

Click here to Send out a Real Card 
phone 1-386-308-1956 After 6PM EST
Skype seadogs11