Saturday, December 15, 2007

Visualisation Techniques for Your Work at Home Busisness

Visualisation Marketing is a powerfull concept for your work at home business.

This week I was reminded how important visualisation is to assist with achieving ones life goals and it takes me back to the time I was a successful athlete.

You See Before each race, I would lie down, rest and prepare for the race by seeing myself in my mind competing a go through the tactics and see the results that would get me on the podium.

The same can be applied to business, you need to train your mind to success, not only seeing success in your mind but use pictures of goals you plan to reach, such as a new car, holiday, house, yacht etc. Place these somewhere where you will see them such as on the Fridge or on the inside of your front. It will also help to label these pictures with simple lable's such as "My House", do not use "my dream house" because you need to trick you mind into thinking its for

You see thought processes are very powerfull and if you think of something it will often come about, if you start thinking on the negative side like I can't make money, then you will not.

Another example when mountain biking, if you see a rock on the trail, and think you are going to hit it, you surely will. (its happened to me a few times)

I regard my self as a generally positive person but it is easy to drops ones guard. I have achieved a lot of what I wanted, having retired early, with a nice house etc able to wake up every morning and being able to to what ever I want. Its a great life, but now I want more.

I have set out on a mission to help people help themselves, but in doing so I have to go back to the roots of success and get back into the habit of setting new goals.

I have always loved the sea and sailing and considered at one time sailing around the world. Now I live in the tropics and a yacht might be nice, so I have set up a company to act a caretaker for yachts left in a local marina.

My vision now is tangable, because whist the owners are absent these yachts are mine and I go aboard and ensure they are kept in good working order treating them as my own.

The next task is to raise the funds to purchase one of my own and to help me I am using Al Turnquist's course Make Money Or Make excuses which forms part of the training for Jaguar

Now books and tapes are not my cup of tea but if you want something to be more than a dream you need to take action.

I have done many things that people only dream about or couch potatoes watch on TV.

So my advice to you if you want to succeed on the Internet with any work at home business, its time to start work and stop looking for a free lunch.

David Ogden Internet Marketing Mentor
201 793 8702