Thursday, December 6, 2007

How To Avoid Home Based Business Scams

Home based business scams come in many forms and guises, but to the uninitiated they can have painful results. If you are offered something that seems too good to be true the chances are it is fraud.

According to Wikipedia

"The term "Internet fraud" generally refers to any type of fraud scheme that uses one or more online services - such as chat rooms, e-mail, message boards, or Web sites - to present fraudulent solicitations to prospective victims, to conduct fraudulent transactions, or to transmit the proceeds of fraud to financial institutions or to others connected with the scheme."

You have all heard of the main home based businessscams, however there are many smaller get rich quick schemes, usually that have picture of online accounts or cheques or else videos of people opening envelopes containing piles of dollar bills. These are the easy ones to spot.

The not so easy ones are the matrix programs or ones saying you can make thousands in a few weeks. these are the ones that you need to check out carefully.

If it is an affiliate site for a home based business, take a careful look, if you got an email from some one asking you to look at their business if they do not bother to put their name and address and telephone number on the email they cannot be serious about making money so do not look at their home based Business.

The second step is to see if they have contact details on their home based business website, if they do, look them up in Google, if they are not shown within the first five pages of search results, they have either just started or do not know what they are doing, so stay clear.

You see a serious work at home based business owner needs to be found easily, they have nothing to hide and will be happy to share their business experience with you. It is only the ones that have something to hide that use false identities and emails.

The very first step you should take is to brand yourself, let people learn about who you are, what you do, what you have done and why you are doing what you are doing now. you need to do this before you even consider starting a home Internet business of your own.

You see you need to learn to sell yourself before you sell in business, then when you start selling alongside other people they will be able to make a choice as to whom they are going to purchase from.

For advice on how to brand yourself and to avoid home based business scams please contact me:

David Ogden Internet Marketing Mentor
201 793 8702 USA Office after 5PM EST
+6088258702 GMT+8