Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Autoresponder for Better Home Based Business

I was on a forum today where there was a discussion about what was the best auto responder and it seems that Aweber has strong support, however I have a different opinion.

The auto responders that I use are Getreply, which is provided free by one of my website host, very functional, form code provided to buid subscriber forms and good tools to manage both subscribers and emails.

Veretekk includes very powerful autoresponders in its suite of marketing tools and is far and away the best on the market value for money. You can have unlimited auto responders. The only drawback is that it is difficult to edit the series of emails however there is an expected update due out this year which will rectify the matter.

I have used Trafficwave in the past which includes another excellent autoresponder, as part of its system.

I have looked at Aweber,which is a great auto responder however feel that you get better value for money with an intergrated system.

Many business opportunties include auto responders as part of their marketing programs but
often these are basic and you are not able to edit the messages.

Value for money my ranking would be:
1. Veretekk
2. Trafficwave
3. Aweber

1. Aweber
2. Get Reply
3. Trafficwave

1. Veretekk
2. Aweber
3. Trafficwave

David Ogden Internet Marketing Mentor
201 793 8702