Monday, August 18, 2008

Work At Home business

Many people have a work at home business but fail to succeed as they treat it as a hobby rather than a business. If you want to make money from a work at home business one of the keywords you need to follow is the word work.

What kind of work do you need to do? All the models say build a matrix of distributors, however this is where you need to think where an income for a home based business comes from, relying on other distributors or on customers. The answer is customers, because it is customer not distributors who will provide income for your work at home business.

Relying on other distributors to provide you with an income is a mugs game, you need to be in control of your own destiny. So when you are looking for a work at home business look for an opportunity which will provide you with customers rather than distributors such as Its Good Business .

David Ogden – Internet Marketing Mentor
Health and Wellness Supplies