Success on the internet relies on having a good product or service which people are looking for. If you start a by providing quality information about products that furfl a need you will get more sales.
Selling is a skill and many people make the mistake of going strait for the sale rather than finding out about a personas needs. Selling online is very little different to selling offline.
How many time have you been to a holiday area in Spain, Malaysia, Greece or elsewhere and walked through an entertainment area or market. Hundreds of people are selling to you, but very few will spare the time to learn more about you.
I am involved with a pub/Retautrant business in Kota Kinabalu which relies on passing tourists and I always start with a question such as "Are you enjoying your holiday" or "Where are you from" then its a matter of making small talk before leading them towards having a beer or recommending somethink to eat. The success ration of this type of approach is much higher than thrusting a menu under someones nose.
The internet can be used in a similar way, if you have a web page that captures telephone numbers, give them a call and ask about their business or experience in working online build some kind of rapport with them before closing the deal.
Voice is far more effective than e-mail and you should make use of it as much as possible/
David Ogden Internet Marketing Mentor
+6088258702 GMT+8
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David Ogden Internet Marketing Mentor
201 793 8702