Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Work At Home Based Business Tools

Every work at home based business required marketing tools to promote them self on the the Internet. One popular tool is an ad blaster and these come in all shapes and sizes.

An ad blaster enables the user to send out multiple ads to a series of FF'A's, safe lists and websites with the push of a button. A blaster may be needed to be downloaded and run from your PC, which is not the ideal situation as it uses up your connection bandwidth, so it is better to use an Internet based service.

The ideal blaster for a home based business will allow you to send out multiple ads a day, the reason for this is that submissions to FFA's only remain in view for a short period of time if many people are posting, so to stand the chance of your ad been viewed and clicked on you need to be at least on the first page.

You would imagine that if you blast out an ad to a few million address's that you will get some response and sometimes you do. What you will find is that other home based business owners will respond with offers of their own. The truth is that many more people advertise than read the ads which is why you need to send out at least 12 million adds a day. in order to catch someones interest.

Many home based business owners get inundated with emails when using blasters so you need to have a method of dealing with these replies, some call it spam but that is not strictly correct, it a rely to your ad. If you want to know how to make use of these emails which many people delete please contact me.

David Ogden Internet Marketing Mentor
201 793 8702 after 6PM EST