Monday, May 4, 2009

Send Out Real Cards

In this era of advancing technology we may be forgetting how to communicate both with our customers and friends and family in the old fashioned way by sending letters and cards.

I recently realised that perhaps I have been over using technology and yes I have been sending out E-cards, but its not the same as the real thing. firstly they often get lost and secondly the receiver needs to print them out if they want to display them.

I think more joy is added, when a person gets a card and looks at the postmark to see where it comes from and then at the handwriting, to try and guess the sender before opening.

I have also started sending out cards to my customers, knowing that a lot of emails do not get through as users often change their Email accounts, but I always have a delivery address for my products.

Sending thank you cards to customers has resulted in an increase of reorders, and I believe it is a useful and forgotten tool which in these difficult economic times can make a difference.

Mother day is fast approaching and if anyone would like to send out a real card at my cost they should go to Send Out Cards

Have a great start to the week

David Ogden - Helping People Help Themselves
CEO TheInterBiz LLC
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