There are a lot of myths and misinformation regarding SEO and how to build a better home based business. Today I listened to a conference call where people were arguing about the maximum number characters to be used in titles and meta tag description. If you look as any website which has SEO tools you will find a variety of answers.
The truth is when building a better home based business it does not really matter, because search engine spiders cant count, they blindly read everthing they can within the various tags and the body of the website. Admitably every search engine has restrictions on the the amount of content it will display in the results so its pays to have your best keywords at the start.
Many people like to include flash, javascript and frames in the hope of
building a better home based business website. Flash might look great but does
nothing to improve a home based business website rankings and you need to
test if contents of java script and frames is being indexed
If you want to see your better home based business website the way a search engine spider does, look at the following search on Google and pick a couple to get a general idea.
Some SEO specialist like to confuse people by talking about keyword density and the like but once again these are only guidelines and quite often you will have to pay to in order to access these guideline.
People often ask how long it takes to get a site indexed by Google and the answer is anything from a matter of hours to months. Do not pay anyone to submit your home based business site when you can do it yourself for free,
Anyone who has a website need to be aware of Google webmaster guideline which clearly layout what your home based business website should look like. It is a matter of common sense.
The key to obtaining results on your better home based business, is to provide quality information which answers queries that people submit to search engines. If you have an affilate program you need to ensure that you will be enhancing a searchers experience by providing a page that provides unique information about the business, not merely repeating what is on the main site or cloaking the URL.David Ogden Internet Marketing Mentor
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