Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Harnessing the Power of EVERYDAY Spending to Change Lives!

The idea for MPM came during a massive 90 mph windstorm in Bellingham, WA in November of 2006. Holed up in a restaurant until the wind died down, Ginny Dye, our Founder & CEO, sketched out a new way to utilize the $500,000 computer system she and a team of 60 dedicated people have been developing and utilizing for almost five years.

Her new plan filled the back of 4 paper placemats before she was done!

When she was done writing, she stared down at the sheets of paper and realized she was looking at a way to harness the power of online spending to change the lives of average Americans looking for financial freedom.

She knew that 97% of people who try to find financial freedom through a home-based business fail. MY POWER MALL would be different!

There were certain “Givens.” It had to be FREE so every person who wanted to change their lives would have a chance. It had to be simple.It had to take away all the “business games” that kept most people from succeeding in a home-based business.MPM is totally committed to changing the world. 6.5% of all corporate profits go into the One-Child-At-A-Time program helping needy children all over the country.

But that is just the beginning. There program will be used to help raise funds for Non-profit organizations, schools and churches all over America.

By becoming part of MY POWER MALL you are joining a much larger Family of people committed to making a difference in the world.


Maria Angelozzi
Business Marketing
Wenonah, NJ